HAKI Are Leading The Way In Sustainable Development In Scaffolding Systems 


For HAKI, the access solutions company, sustainability is an integral part of their trans-global business.  Today, in the UK, there remains not only a focus on the areas in which they operate, but also crucially in other areas where the company, as an industry leader, believes it can also have a positive impact. Always striving to provide safe and healthy working conditions, HAKI plays a key role in environmental progress and continues to strive to be a role model for high ethics and equality within the industry. 


Sustainability is key to HAKI’s strategy for long-term growth, with the company focussing on three main commitments: being the front runner in safety, becoming the environmental partner and being recognized as a responsible company. 


Over the past year, key strengthening changes have been made to ensure that these pillars are realised through day-to-day operations, with each activity and change being another step closer to achieving HAKI’s sustainable development goals. 


As an environmental partner, HAKI has introduced clear sustainability aspects in the process flow of their product development. The intention is to consider the finished product from a lifecycle perspective already in the development stage. Also, through their collaboration with waste management partners, HAKI measures its production waste with the goal of being able to distinguish between materials that can be recycled and reused in either its own or in other companies’ production. 


As part of the work to be a responsible company, HAKI, together with its parent owner, Midway, has chosen to develop the exiting whistle blower function to facilitate user-friendliness and availability throughout the group during the summer of 2021. All employees, and suppliers, can now anonymously report violations, deviations or a direct violation of the company’s Code of Conduct. Should reports arise, these are handled and investigated by an independent third party. 


Being an organization that never compromises on safety, HAKI continues to be the frontrunner in safety by creating a robust safety culture throughout the company. HAKI has actively created a empowered working group, which includes representatives from all aspects of the business, to review wide ranging issues related to the work environment. This group are focussed on looking at solutions, exchanging and learning from experiences that can lead to solution models being shared within the company in person, and via a digital tool, that will facilitate the follow up of workplace accidents and information sharing between the offices. 


Sustainability and the quality of a product work go hand-in-hand in the scaffolding sector, and if one or the other are compromised this can have an impact on the soundness of a structure, potentially weakening the overall health of the environment. Therefore, HAKI see it as essential to always select solutions which deliver on quality, safety and sustainability. 


A tight project timeframe should not have a negative impact on the quality of a build, nor the health of our natural world and environment. The need for building quickly and efficiently, together with stringent adherence of all health and safety regulations, means construction companies require access solutions that allow for quick erection, whilst maintaining the highest standards. 


By adopting the HAKI Universal system scaffolding and being able to effectively utilize the huge range of product types, partners can find the answer to many of these challenges, with the added value support of HAKI’s highly skilled design, training and support technicians assisting in making sites safer and in meeting project milestones. 


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