What is Edge Protection?
Understanding Edge Protection: Ensuring Safety at Heights
Edge protection is a critical safety measure on construction sites designed to prevent falls and protect workers. Its primary purpose is to "prevent persons or objects from falling to a lower level," significantly reducing the risk of fatal accidents.
Importance of Edge Protection
With numerous potential hazards in construction, edge protection solutions are vital. They help prevent falls from heights and ensure no objects fall onto workers or the public below.
What are the Different types of Edge Protection?
Types of Edge Protection Systems
1. Catchfans
Catchfans are double-layered nets attached to structures to catch falling objects, minimizing damage and injuries. They are adaptable for different project sizes and can be fitted to both steel and concrete frames.
2. Barrier Systems
Barrier systems include high-quality steel fences that can be drilled, clamped, or cast-in to various platforms. They offer different heights, lengths, and adjustable guardrails, making them suitable for diverse construction environments.
The V Compression Post solution is also available and can provide floor to soffit containment options from 2.44 and 4.5 metres.
As with all HAKI temporary edge protection products the range is quick to install/remove and flexible in being able to meet the complexities, challenges and demands of the environments our partners work in.
It allows for flexible barrier configurations and height adjustments to achieve full containment. This product has been designed to support double height barrier load requirements and complies to EN 13374-A, COHS, OSHA and ANSI/ASSE.
3. Fall Arrest Systems
Fall arrest systems are personal protection solutions that anchor workers to the ground. A notable example includes:
- Alsipercha: A steel frame allowing a 6.5m movement radius for a worker in a harness.
Where is Edge Protection required?
According to the Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, edge protection or fall protection is required in the following situations:
- If there is a risk of falling from an unguarded edge, a fall hazard zone of at least 2 meters wide must be established along the entire unguarded edge
- If work is being performed within 2 meters (4 meters from the unguarded edge), a raised warning line, barricade or other equally effective means must be in place at least 2 meters from the edge to alert workers of the fall hazard.
- If it is not reasonably practicable to use a personal fall arrest system, employers must ensure workers use an equally effective fall protection system.
- Any openings or holes in floors, roofs or other surfaces must be covered with a securely attached cover designed to support anticipated loads or be protected by guardrails and toeboards.
The regulations specify requirements for barrier systems, including:
- Top rail between 920-1070 mm high
- Mid rail approximately halfway between top rail and base
- Able to withstand loads and prevent falling through
Personal fall protection systems like harnesses must meet the requirements of the CSA Group standards Z259 series on design, selection, and use of fall protection equipment.
To find out more about our solutions to enhance your Workzone Safety please explore our Edge Protection system pages or submit a form to request follow-up from one of the experienced HAKI team.